Medical Service
Our Medical Service consists of paramedics and doctors, many of whom have a military background and have gained experience in field hospitals.
They form the core of the CESAR organisation and are needed in almost all operational formats. Due to the nature of their mission, they are not part of the fighting force and are therefore minimally armed and only for self-defence.
They form the core of the CESAR organisation and are needed in almost all operational formats. Due to the nature of their mission, they are not part of the fighting force and are therefore minimally armed and only for self-defence.

The Medical Service provides initial treatment and stabilisation of patients, as well as safe transport to the nearest hospital.
The Medical Service primarily deploys ships with a medical focus, such as the Drake Cutlass Red, RSI Apollo and MISC Endeavour. The mission formats of the Medical Service are CSAR, ESAR and EMS.
The Medical Service primarily deploys ships with a medical focus, such as the Drake Cutlass Red, RSI Apollo and MISC Endeavour. The mission formats of the Medical Service are CSAR, ESAR and EMS.